Saturday, August 7, 2010

Church Jesus Christ

Church Jesus Christ : Then Peter came to Jesus and asked: Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven times? Jesus answered: "I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times." "Therefore, the kingdom of heaven is like a king who wanted to settle accounts with his servants. As he began the settlement, a man who owed him ten thousand talents was brought to him.


Christ Family Church

Christ Family Church : The church in the New Testament is described under various appellations the best known perhaps being the family of God. It is the designation that touches the heart with the greatest force. We long to be part of a family, to have people that care about us and care how we are doing and who will help us willingly and gladly should we need it, people who do love us.


Christ Church Nursery

Christ Church Nursery : I went to a convent school. So the concept of Christmas plays for churches is something that I have grown up with. Christmas is one of the few festivals that has the capacity to bring the world together. No matter which hemisphere you belong to, no matter what your religion, everyone looks forward to Christmas and its festivities.


Christ Church Methodist

Christ Church Methodist : The church Christ built is worthless to man if it is impossible to find (or establish), if it only existed in ancient history, and cannot be known today. Fortunately, like all things that exist, there are marks of identification that allow us to know his church from those made by mere men. We are able to distinguish one thing from another in life because of characteristics that each possess that differ from another in one way or another.


Christ Church College

Christ Church College : The Spiritualist movement, centered around mediumship, held that although everyone’s physical body dies, their soul lives on. Although many believe that the first actual mediums were the Fox sisters in 1848, most Spiritualism believers consider the beginnings of modern American Spiritualism to be rooted in the Shakers and other similar religious orders.


Christ Methodist Church

Christ Methodist Church : Glenwood church of Christ is a group of people who worship together at 5210 Hollytree Drive, Tyler, Texas 75703. This is a congregation where Christ is the central focus, spiritual growth is cultivated, the word of God is honored and obeyed, broken lives are healed, they have a heart for worship, they try to live godly lives and people can find a place to belong.


Christ Presbyterian Church

Christ Presbyterian Church : Many of us have experienced the blood of Christ and His forgiveness in our lives. He has reached down and plucked us out of darkness and restored our souls. There are countless testimonies of His faithfulness and love all over the world. There is no doubt that the Holy Spirit is working in the hearts of people, drawing the broken to Himself and showing the way to Jesus, the only True Hope and real Love!


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Christ Church Episcopal

Christ Church Episcopal : This point has a convergence of similarity, as well as a difference. Anglicanism and Catholicism originated from the same roots laid down by Christ in Judea thousands of years back. But, with changing times, these two branched into different forms of Christianity. The Anglican Church was founded during reformation, and was progeny of Henry VII. It was formalized during the reign of Elizabeth I. On the other hand, Catholicism or the Catholic Church was established immediately after the death of Jesus Christ, when his apostles started preaching.


Christ Church Anglican

Christ Church Anglican : Anglicans believe in the catholic and apostolic faith. Anglicans have three things to guide them - the 39 articles, The Bible, and the Book of Common Prayer. Anglicans also believe in the concept of God and his supreme power. Authority of the Church is another thing they have high faith in, although it has been shaken a little in recent times. However, when it comes to the ordination of women, some Anglican churches allow it, and some do not. Furthermore,


Christ Church Cathedral

Christ Church Cathedral : when you go to meet the other people you have something to give! You have God’s abundance and rivers of living water on the inside, that is why, when you meet your brothers and sisters you are a channel of blessings for them, trough you God can minister to them, encouraging, loving and performing any other act of mercy and love God has gifted you with. God gave numerous gifts to His Church, and the great majority of them are given for this very reason: to be a channel of blessing for others.


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